An endeavor with a few fellow drone racers, the website explains the spec, as well as an ecommerce store that sells items related to the league. We’re currently traveling and hosting events across the United States.
Flowstate Drone Racing Simulator
Currently developing a sequel to the open source UPBGE-based Flowstate simulator. The new Unity-based version will contain an overhauled UI as well as completely new race features! The assets were created in Photoshop as well as Blender, then imported into Unity.
Street League Spec Tester
I’ve utilized betaflight’s existing code base to create a spec checker that finds out the motors power and suggests a motor output limit (MOPL), so that racing is closer than ever, on different setups.
PVREA Interactive Microgrid UI
PVREA needed an on-site “at-a-glance” look at their microgrid setup and current state. This shows charging and discharging states from the battery, as well as switching during appropriate weather.
Red Feather Lakes
Microgrid status screen mockup, as well as a Augmented Reality version demo’ed in the Microsoft Hololens.